viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017


In Colombia the human rights are not the best, but that doesn't means that the human rights in all the world are perfect, they have problems like any country, and every country of the world have it's own laws and rules. 

Colombia had more than 50 years of war with a guerrilla called " las F.A.R.C " , in that times Colombia passed for many bad moments, many people was killed, the people lived with fear, all the towns were attacked, tooked the properties of the people, but the most important and saddest thing is that the human rights were violated, there was no security in the streets, and as a result of that violence the government decided to make a peace agreement, in which they agree with " las F.A.R.C " different choises, for example a salary, a good job or a way to work, have a place in the politics, and that people have to forgive them.

Talking about the human rights or the justice of other countries like the United States, or the countries in Europe, that maybe their justice is not perfect but, at last they do something for the people, for example a man with a gun kills 50 people they investigate about the crime or they take the man to jail, but in Colombia nothing of that happens, only with people that have money make justice, but sadly that is the reality in our coutry.

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